guest houses

美 [ɡest ˈhaʊzɪz]英 [ɡest ˈhaʊzɪz]
  • n.(大房子旁供客人居住的)客房;小旅馆
  • guest house的复数
guest housesguest houses

guest houses


  • 1
    N-COUNT 旅馆;客栈
    A guest house is a small hotel.

  • 2
    N-COUNT (大房子附近的)客房
    A guest house is a small house in the grounds of a large house, where visitors can stay.

  1. There were a lot of guest houses which were very tatty .


  2. The square was floodlit at night and fringed by guest houses .


  3. May we suggest you try one of our guest houses


  4. A few guest houses had ' No Vacancies ' notices in their windows .


  5. Well , first of all , they have guest houses .


  6. The building consists of two parts as visitor center and rural guest houses .


  7. Guest houses , price , standard rooms to enjoy .


  8. Some guest houses can still be found , however , particularly in small towns .


  9. Today , unfortunately , few guest houses remain .


  10. You can find listings of guest houses in the yellow pages of the telephone book .


  11. Places shall be provided for handling postal business in larger railway stations , airports , ports and guest houses .


  12. The communication between service desk and passengers mainly depends on the local telephone in hotels , guest houses and other places .


  13. Beijing West station wistaria hostel is the largest railway guest houses ! Groups and individuals may receive accommodation !


  14. When traveling , it recommends staying in university guest houses , which can be cheaper than economy hotels .


  15. As a result , guest houses , coffee shops and tourism-related businesses have sprung up .


  16. Five international hotel-type guest houses are managed by the YMCA and YWCA .


  17. With Roman hotels and guest houses already full , makeshift shelters are being created for visitors at sports grounds .


  18. He lived the cheapest guest houses , eating the simplest food , with the most simple language to teach patients with simple medical knowledge .


  19. Professional and technical contractors to all types of hotels , guest houses , villas , apartment , office furniture facilities , a large professional team .


  20. The products of Birminton have been widely used in supermarkets , convenience stores , hotels , guest houses and other professional venues .


  21. Our company is a design , production and sales professional for the office , hotels , guest houses , restaurant and entertainment production , high-grade corporate sofa .


  22. First-class restaurants , guest houses , photo studios , beauty parlours and groceries are located here and there along this road .


  23. Today , they are home to a variety of businesses , including restaurants and guest houses , and are protected as a Grade I-listed buildings .


  24. He says the popular tourist region was devastated first by the earthquake and then by massive landslides that swept away villages and buried hotels , guest houses and farmers'home stays .


  25. Tourist agencies set up and run by hotels ( or guest houses ) . Ferries are packed , hotels and restaurants are full , and beaches are bulging .


  26. Corridor-style multi-storey building has become a kind of structural form used widely , such as college students ' dormitory , guest houses and other buildings , mostly are Corridor-style multi-storey buildings .


  27. Yu King Palace is the largest ancient architecture in Huguang Guild Hall , with sacrificing and worshiping area , meeting hall , sitting hall , guest houses and kitchen .


  28. The police will tell them to go home and get changed if they see them wearing one , and the guest houses and camp sites are pretty good at warning their guests about what 's acceptable .


  29. Positive-displacement gas water heaters and hot water storage tanks can be used for the allocation of hot water supply in medium-restaurants , hotels , guest houses with advantages such as minimum investment , smaller size , higher capacity , better environmental protection .


  30. The Bard 's town has a variety of hotels and guest houses and one of the most impressive is the Holiday Inn , with riverside grounds close to Clopton Bridge , over which Shakespeare would have ridden .
